Vancouver Aquarium calls cetacean ban a death sentence for whales

Vancouver Aquarium president John Nightingale raised some eyebrows this week as he defended the need to keep rescuing and capturing ...
John Nightingale responded to park board plans, announced yesterday, to ban the performance of whales, dolphins and porpoises at the aquarium ...
John Nightingale responded to park board plans, announced yesterday, to ban the performance of whales, dolphins and porpoises at the aquarium ...
Whether it's helping a stranded false killer whale or a baby porpoise that was separated from its mother, the humane thing to do is to rescue and care ...
Whether it's helping a stranded false killer whale or a baby porpoise that was separated from its mother, the humane thing to do is to rescue and care ...
The Vancouver Aquarium says the park board would be giving orphaned and injured whales a death sentence if it goes through with a proposed ...
The Vancouver Aquarium says the park board would be giving orphaned and injured whales a death sentence if it goes through with a proposed ...

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