Scottish Ministers accused of threatening dolphin colony

The Cromarty Firth is home to three other protected species: minke whales, harbour porpoise and otters. Yesterday the protest group submitted a formal complaint to the European Commission about an alleged breach of European law. Arthur Bird, a spokesman for the group, said that Nicola Sturgeon's ...
Local residents say that the future of Europe's most northerly bottlenose dolphin colony is uncertain because of plans for ship-to-ship crude oil transfers in the Cromarty Firth. Cromarty Rising, a protest group opposing the local port authority's plan, say the government has neglected its legal duty to take ...
A Highland community has complained to the European Commission that the Scottish government is failing to take responsibility for protecting a colony of dolphins. Local residents say that the future of Europe's most northerly bottlenose dolphin colony is uncertain because of plans for ship-to-ship crude ...
Locals who oppose the ship to ship (STS) application because the proposed mooring points are in open water within a leading European dolphin site and close to other designated nature sites have taken legal advice after Marine Scotland failed to intervene in the application. The Cromarty Firth Port ...

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