This hybrid male has a blotchy color pattern that matches that of the rough-toothed dolphin and also sports the melon-headed whale's dorsal cape — a ...
A rare whale-dolphin hybrid has been spotted off the coast of Hawaii. A recent genetic analysis revealed the unusual creature is an offspring of a male ...
The hybrid mammal (seen in the foreground), which is a cross between a rough-toothed dolphin and a melon-headed whale (see in the background), ...
The hybrid mammal (seen in the foreground), which is a cross between a rough-toothed dolphin and a melon-headed whale (see in the background), ...
Dolphins and whales are already some of Mother Nature's most extraordinary creatures — but, a combination of the two might be even better! Well ...
Scientists: 1st sighting of dolphin hybrid is no 'wholphin' ... whale is one of the various species that's called a whale but is technically a dolphin.
Researchers have spotted the first ever hybrid between a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin off the coast of Kauai, Hawaii, CNN ...
Dolphins and whales are already some of Mother Nature's most extraordinary creatures — but, a combination of the two might be even better! Well ...
Researchers have spotted the first ever hybrid between a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin off the coast of Kauai, Hawaii, CNN ...
The animal spotted near the island of Kauai one year ago is a cross between a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin, according to the ...
Marine biologists have welcomed a confirmed sighting of an ultra-rare dolphin-whale hybrid in the wild. A report published last week by ocean ...
This incredibly rare dolphin and whale hybrid species has been discovered near Kauai, Hawaii. Despite it being a hybrid of a melon-headed whale ...
They spotted a rare – possibly one-of-a-kind – whale-dolphin hybrid off the coast of Kaua'i while studying marine species there. #dolphin #whale ...
HONOLULU — Scientists are touting the first sighting of a hybrid between a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin in the ocean off Hawaii ...
Scientists are touting the first sighting of a hybrid between a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin in the ocean off Hawaii. But don't call it ...
Scientists are touting the first sighting of a hybrid between a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin in the ocean off Hawaii. But don't call it ...
Scientists are touting the first sighting of a hybrid between a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin off Hawaii. But they bristle at labeling ...
(CNN) Scientists from the Cascadia Research Collective have discovered a rare dolphin-whale hybrid off the coast of Kauai, Hawaii, according to a ...
(CNN) -- Scientists from the Cascadia Research Collective have discovered a rare dolphin-whale hybrid off the coast of Kauai, Hawaii, according to a ...
(CNN) Scientists from the Cascadia Research Collective have discovered a rare dolphin-whale hybrid off the coast of Kauai, Hawaii, according to a ...
Hawaii waters are getting interesting as scientists spot the first-ever known hybrid of a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin. Two of the ...
Let's face it: Unlikely couples hold a special place in our hearts, whether Romeo and Juliet, Edward and Bella -- or a melon-headed whale and a ...
Let's face it: Unlikely couples hold a special place in our hearts, whether Romeo and Juliet, Edward and Bella -- or a melon-headed whale and a ...
Researchers off the coast of Kauai spotted something weird in mid-July: a strange hybrid creature that's a mix between a rough-toothed dolphin and a ...
Although many reports have called the wholphin a brand new species, in reality, this isn't the first time a whale/dolphin hybrid has been found. “It isn't ...
Freak Whale-Dolphin Hybrid Spotted in Hawaii. Crazimals Logo Crazimals 0:30 · Worst Red Tide In Over a Decade Leaves Droves of Animals Dead ...
According to a new genetic analysis, his dad was a rough-toothed dolphin and his mum was a melon-headed whale – the first ever known hybrid of its ...
It's not just whales and dolphins that can mate. Other cross-species creatures recorded by scientists include ligers (a lion-tiger cross), and zorses (a ...
A group of researchers has spotted a rare sea creature, a whale-dolphin hybrid, just off the coast of Hawaii. The creature, which researchers described ...
According to a new genetic analysis, his dad was a rough-toothed dolphin and his mum was a melon-headed whale - the first ever known hybrid of its ...
According to a new genetic analysis, his dad was a rough-toothed dolphin and his mum was a melon-headed whale - the first ever known hybrid of its ...
Researchers in Hawaii say they have discovered a whale-dolphin hybrid, which is essentially a mule of the sea. They were doing field work in the ...
Researchers in Hawaii say they have discovered a whale-dolphin hybrid, which is essentially a mule of the sea. They were doing field work in the ...
When a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin love each other very very much, they have sex. And then, in at least one recorded case off ...
When a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin love each other very very much, they have sex. And then, in at least one recorded case off ...
While the researchers behind the discovery clarified over the weekend that the animal is not a new species after all, the so-called “whale-dolphin ...
While the researchers behind the discovery clarified over the weekend that the animal is not a new species after all, the so-called “whale-dolphin ...
They spotted a rare – possibly one-of-a-kind – whale-dolphin hybrid off the coast of Kaua'i while studying marine species there. They tagged a pair of ...
They tagged a pair of the melon-headed whales that live in the region to see where they traveled, only to realize one didn't look quite like it should.
The team first came across what they believed to be a hybrid in August 2017 A biopsy later confirmed their suspicions, revealing it to be a ...
A new species of aquatic mammal, a hybrid of a whale and a dolphin, has been identified in waters near Hawaii. The so-called wolphin has been ...
A new species of aquatic mammal, a hybrid of a whale and a dolphin, has been identified in waters near Hawaii. The so-called wolphin has been ...
An animal that appears to be a hybrid of a rough-toothed dolphin and a melon-headed whale was spotted off the coast of Kauai, Hawaii, in August of ...
A whale-dolphin hybrid was observed by scientists in Hawaii in August of last year. Genetic testing revealed that the creature observed was indeed a ...
A whale-dolphin hybrid was discovered thanks to the efforts of scientists in Hawaii. The "most unusual" find is even more unique given that one of the ...
While surveying whales and dolphins off the Hawaiian Islands, scientists spotted a creature they've never seen before: a peculiar hybrid between a ...
While surveying whales and dolphins off the Hawaiian Islands, scientists spotted a creature they've never seen before: a peculiar hybrid between a ...
A rare whale-dolphin hybrid species has been discovered off the coast of Hawaii, scientists say. The animal is the first-ever documented offspring of a ...
A rare whale-dolphin hybrid species has been discovered off the coast of Hawaii, scientists say. The animal is the first-ever documented offspring of a ...
Scientists have discovered a rare hybrid between a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin in waters near Kauai, Hawaii.
In a rare sighting, scientists have confirmed that an unusual mammal spotted swimming off the coast of Kauai is a cross between a whale and a ...
HONOLULU (KHON2) - A one of a kind mammal is swimming in Hawaiian waters. Scientists say a hybrid whale/dolphin has been spotted swimming ...
HONOLULU (KHON2) - A one of a kind mammal is swimming in Hawaiian waters. Scientists say a hybrid whale/dolphin has been spotted swimming ...
New Whale, Dolphin Hybrid Species Discovered. Posted: July 27 2018 11:51 AM. New Whale, Dolphin Hybrid Species Discovered.
What the researchers discovered was a hybrid of a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin. Matt Yurus reports.
Scientists have confirmed that an unusual mammal spotted swimming off the coast of Kauai is a cross between a whale and a dolphin. The rare ...
A wholphin? A dolphale? Whatever you call it, the first know hybrid between a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin is a wonder. Nobody ...
A wholphin? A dolphale? Whatever you call it, the first know hybrid between a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin is a wonder. Nobody ...
There's a new sea creature swimming in Hawaii waters, researchers with the Cascadia Research Collective recently confirmed: a whale-dolphin ...
New Whale, Dolphin Hybrid Species Discovered. ... New Whale, Dolphin Hybrid Species Discovered. New Whale, Dolphin Hybrid Species Discovered.
Researchers say this is the first-ever documented hybrid between a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin. The unusual new species has ...
Researchers say this is the first-ever documented hybrid between a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin. The unusual new species has ...