Newborn beluga whale dies shortly after birth at SeaWorld
According to Whale and Dolphin Conservation, there are nearly 600 other whales and dolphins currently being held in tanks in North America alone.
Beluga or white whales are adapted to life in cold, Arctic waters and give birth to calves weighing around 180lb after pregnancies that can last up to ...
A BABY beluga whale tragically died shortly after birth at SeaWorld Orlando sparking an investigation into the cause of the death. Born last week, the ...
It's not known why the baby, who was born to 17-year-old whale Whisper just last week, died. According to SeaWorld, Whisper had had a normal and ...
In 2010, senior animal trainer Dawn Brancheau was killed by orca whale Tilikum (not pictured). Brancheau became the only SeaWorld trainer killed.
ORLANDO, Fla. (WESH) — A 17-year-old beluga whale named Whisper gave birth to a calf earlier this week. The newborn calf died a short time later.
SeaWorld Orlando says a beluga whale died shortly after it was born at the theme park, and an investigation has begun into the cause of death.
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — SeaWorld Orlando says a beluga whale died shortly after it was born at the theme park and an investigation has begun into ...
The “unusually weak” calf surfaced briefly before sinking to the bottom of the pool, the Orlando theme park stated in a press release. Park staff will do a ...
A 17-year-old beluga whale named Whisper gave birth to a calf earlier this week. The newborn calf died a short time later. "The animal care and ...
It was born to Ringer, a 16-year-old Commerson's dolphin that had been on birth control. Before giving birth, Ringer had four unsuccessful ...
A newborn beluga whale died shortly after it was born at SeaWorld Orlando, the theme park announced Friday. The calf was born earlier this week but ...