Is swimming with dolphins a good idea?

Researchers bring new thinking to dolphin tourism activity. Spinner Dolphins off coast of Egypt. Credit: A. Cesario (HEPCA). New research led by University of Otago scientists indicates there is increasing evidence that whale and dolphin watching activities can have detrimental effects on the populations ...
The research focused on populations of spinner dolphins off the coast of Egypt, where there is a variety of regulations concerning tourist interactions with dolphins between different areas. The study focused on three areas, one with no tourism, one with controlled, and one with uncontrolled tourist ...
... on three areas: one with no tourism, one with controlled tourism and one with uncontrolled tourism activity. In areas where access was unrestricted, the dolphins could find it impossible to rest, which affected their well-being, she said. That could eventually lead to the decline of the dolphin population.
Otago Researchers bring new thinking to dolphin tourism activity. Tuesday 1 May 2018. New research led by University of Otago scientists indicates there is increasing evidence that whale and dolphin watching activities can have detrimental effects on the populations they target. The study Behavioural ...
Tourist spots around the globe offer people a chance to swim with whales and dolphins. But a recent study from a New Zealand biologist shows that the welfare of some dolphins is being affected by the unregulated tourism industry. Many tourists aren't realizing they're preventing dolphins from sleeping ...
Tourist spots around the globe offer people a chance to swim with whales and dolphins. But what impact do these activities have on the marine mammals, and should they be more strongly regulated? Maddalena Fumagalli, a cetacean biologist at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, ...

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