Dead Fin Whale Found Near Port Of Long Beach

It looks like authorities will never know for sure what killed an endangered fin whale that turned up in the Port of Long Beach last week. Researchers had hoped to take the 40-foot carcass to a nearby beach where they could cut into it for a close examination of its injuries, but they abandoned that plan on ...
The carcass of a young female fin whale found in a shipping channel near the Port of Long Beach was to be towed out to sea today without a necropsy to confirm the reason for her death. The Port of Long Beach hired a company to tow the carcass out to sea, Michael Milstein, National Oceanic and ...
The carcass of a young female fin whale found in a shipping channel near the Port of Long Beach was to be towed out to sea Saturday without a necropsy to confirm the reason for her death. The Port of Long Beach hired a company to tow the carcass out to sea, said National Oceanic and Atmospheric ...
The whale was discovered by the U.S. Coast Guard around 6 p.m. Wednesday near Nimitz Road and Pier T and was tied to the pier so it could be examined by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists. “We now know it was a fin whale and a 40-foot juvenile female,” NOAA spokesman ...
LONG BEACH, CA – A necropsy may be performed Friday on the body of a young fin whale found in a shipping channel near the Port of Long Beach. The whale was discovered by the U.S. Coast Guard around 6 p.m. Wednesday near Nimitz Road and Pier T and was tied to the pier so it could be ...
A necropsy may be performed Friday on the body of a young fin whale found in a shipping channel near the Port of Long Beach. The whale was discovered by the U.S. Coast Guard around 6 p.m. Wednesday near Nimitz Road and Pier T and was tied to the pier so it could be examined by National ...
Scientists Thursday could find no obvious reason a young whale found in a shipping channel near the Port of Long Beach died and a necropsy was pending. The whale was discovered by the U.S. Coast Guard around 6 p.m. Wednesday near Nimitz Road and Pier T and was tied to the pier so it could be ...
On Wednesday night, the U.S. Coast Guard received a report of a dead whale floating in a channel in Long Beach Harbor. A fire department boat crew found the animal near TTI's Pier T container terminal, and at the request of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), they ...
Alisa Schulman-Janiger from the Natural History Museum gives details on a dead female fin whale that floated into the harbor area at the Los Angeles-Long Beach port complex. Copyright © 2017, Los Angeles Times. EDITION: California | U.S. & World · Year in Review · Local · Entertainment · Sports ...
It is not common to find a whale in a busy port area, Milstein said. NOAA estimates the whale's size at 50 feet and photos indicate it could be a Fin whale, which migrates north to south this time of year. A port spokesperson said this is a rare occurrence and can't recall a whale ever being trapped in ...
A whale carcass discovered late Wednesday inside Long Beach Harbor has been identified as fin whale. The juvenile mammal measured 40 feet and probably was struck by a ship and brought into the harbor – unbeknownst to the crew – attached to the vessel. “Live fin whales have never been ...
The 40-foot-long juvenile female fin whale was found by the U.S. Coast Guard at around 6:00PM near Nimitz Road and Pier T and was tied to the pier where scientists with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) examined it late Thursday morning. The whale was likely killed ...
Scientists were working Thursday to determine what killed a whale found in a shipping channel at the Port of Long Beach. The 40-foot long juvenile female fin whale was discovered by the U.S. Coast Guard around 6 p.m. Wednesday near Nimitz Road and Pier T. Scientists with the National Oceanic and ...
Scientists were working Thursday to determine what killed a whale found in a shipping channel near the Port of Long Beach. The 40-foot long juvenile female fin whale was discovered by the U.S. Coast Guard around 6 p.m. Wednesday near Nimitz Road and Pier T. Fin whales are an endangered that ...
LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) — Scientists will try to determine what caused the death of a whale that was discovered floating in Long Beach harbor. Fire Department spokesman Brian Fisk tells KCBS-TV the 20- to 30-foot-long whale was found Wednesday evening. The whale has been tied to a dock ...
LONG BEACH (CBSLA) — Biologists Thursday will study a dead whale which washed ashore in a shipping channel near the Port of Long Beach to determine how it died. The approximately 50-foot whale was discovered at about 6 p.m. by the U.S. Coast Guard, near Nimitz Road at Pier T Wednesday, ...
LONG BEACH (CNS) - Scientists on Thursday will try to determine what killeda whale found in a shipping channel near the Port of Long Beach. The whale was discovered by the U.S. Coast Guard around 6 p.m. Wednesday near Nimitz Road and Pier T and was tied to the pier awaiting the arrival of ...
Scientists Thursday will try to determine what killed a whale found in a shipping channel near the Port of Long Beach. The whale was discovered by the U.S. Coast Guard around 6 p.m. Wednesday near Nimitz Road and Pier T and was tied to the pier awaiting the arrival of National Oceanic and ...
LONG BEACH, CA – Scientists will try to determine the cause of death Thursday for a deceased whale found in a shipping channel near the Port of Long Beach. The whale was estimated to be 20 to 30 feet long, and was discovered by the U.S. Coast Guard around 6 p.m. Wednesday near Nimitz Road ...
A dead whale was found in waters near the Port of Long Beach and its body remained tethered to a pier amid an investigation into the cause of death. (KABC). KABC ... Coast Guard personnel discovered the deceased whale in a shipping channel about 6 p.m. Wednesday. The carcass was later tied to ...
Dead Whale Found Floating in Long Beach Harbor. Scientists will try to determine what caused the death of a whale that was discovered floating in Long Beach harbor. Dec. 28, 2017, at 10:56 a.m.. Dead Whale Found Floating in Long Beach Harbor ...
It was unclear if the whale died from a boat strike, natural causes or some other reason. Scientists from either the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the California Department of Fish and Wildlife will be called to investigate the whale's death and determine what should be done with its ...
A dead whale floated into the Port of Long Beach Wednesday evening, triggering a debate on what to do with the corpse until wildlife officials asked that it be kept nearby for future study, officials said. The 20- to 30-foot whale was found before 7 p.m. near a container ship and Pier T, which is is located ...
Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration want to know how a whale ended up dead in the Port of Long Beach Wednesday night. Authorities believe the animal is an endangered fin whale, a species that is commonly sighted off the West Coast, but it's bizarre for the mammal ...
LONG BEACH — Scientists today will try to determine the cause of death of a whale found in a shipping channel near the Port of Long Beach. The whale, which was estimated to be 20 to 30 feet long, was discovered by the U.S. Coast Guard around 6 p.m. Wednesday near Nimitz Road and Pier T, ...
A 24-feet-long whale was found dead near the Port of Long Beach Wednesday, according to Long Beach Fire. The U.S. Coast Guard and fire officials received a call around 6 p.m. of the dead whale in a Long Beach Harbor shipping lane, according to Jake Heflin of LBF. Fire crews secured the marine ...
The whale has been tied to a dock until scientists arrive to investigate the cause of death and determine what type of whale it is. A port spokesperson said this rare occurrence and can't recall a whale ever being trapped in shipping traffic. The whale was discovered by the Coast Guard near Nimitz Road ...

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