Chinese White Dolphin meat sold on street of Zhuhai

ZHUHAI, CHINA — Disturbing images of an endangered Chinese white dolphin hacked to pieces at a fish market in China are making the rounds on ...
Bloody images of baby dolphin butchered on street in China will make you sick to the core. Bloody images of baby dolphin butchered on street in ...
That is not a fake dolphin – that is a real dolphin head in a cooler. Scroll down to see other photos – but, be warned, they are rather graphic and ...
Netizens have displayed the power of the Internet, after online outcry against a possible case of butchering and selling a protected species of dolphin ...
Chinese White Dolphins, known for their pink colouring and its friendly nature, are listed as a first-class protected animal species in China.
Shocking photos have gone viral on Chinese social media showing what appears to be a baby Chinese white dolphin that has been cut up into pieces ...
The Chinese white dolphin, nicknamed "mermaid" and "giant panda of the sea", is mainly found in the western Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.
As of press time, the remains of the animal, which was recognized by some experts as the endangered white Chinese dolphin, have been collected for ...
Photos showing a dolphin “slaughtered alive in public” has made social media users furious these days. The photos were uploaded online in the ...
The last two months have been decidedly rough for cetaceans off China's coast, with a dead baby porpoise washing up in southern Guangdong in ...

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