But Monday's research paper has now also revealed how the loss of seagrass meadows and fish communities impacted dolphin calf survival rates, ...
The survival rate of certain dolphin groups has reportedly dropped by 12% since 2011, according to a study published by the biweekly science journal ...
1.04.2019 - Dolphin survival and reproductive rates suffered a significant decline following a 2011 marine heatwave affecting around 1000km of ...
A new study shows the survival rate and reproduction rate of dolphins drops as ocean temperatures rise. The study focuses on a heat wave in ...
Warmer ocean waters can hurt dolphin populations, lowering reproduction and survival rates, a new study published in the journal Current Biology ...
Everyone's favorite marine mammal likes to keep cool, but scorching sea water appears to be wreaking havoc with dolphins in some parts of the world, ...
Climate change may have more far-reaching consequences for the conservation of marine mammals than previously thought, according to new ...
New research points to the long-lasting impacts of marine heatwaves — periods of extreme sea surface temperatures — on dolphin populations, ...
After a heat wave struck the waters of Western Australia in 2011, scientists noticed warmer ocean temperatures caused fewer dolphin births and ...
(CN) – “Unprecedented” is the word researchers are using to once again describe the impacts of a climate change on wildlife and habitat, this time ...
Dolphins may be in serious trouble as temperatures rise with global warming. After a heat wave struck the waters of Western Australia in 2011, ...
Dolphin survival and reproductive rates suffered a significant decline following a 2011 marine heatwave affecting around 1,000km of Western ...
An unprecedented spell of marine heat in Shark Bay, Australia, caused bottlenose dolphin numbers to decline for the following six years, a study finds.
An unprecedented marine heatwave had long-lasting negative impacts on both survival and birth rates for the iconic dolphin population in Shark Bay, ...
A marine heat wave in Western Australia that had lasting impacts on dolphin populations may be a disturbing sign of things to come, according to a ...
Analysis of the data revealed that the dolphins' survival rate has fallen by 12 per cent following the heatwave of 2011, indicating long-lasting negative ...
After a heat wave struck the waters of Western Australia in 2011, scientists noticed that warmer ocean temperatures caused fewer dolphin births and ...