42-million-year-old fossils of a four-legged whale are being uncovered in Peru. This species is called Peregocetus pacificus; means the whale that ...
A marvelous fossil of a 13-feet-long long prehistoric whale was recently found in marine sediments just off the coast of Playa Media Luna in Peru.
Fossil remains of a 4-legged whale with hooves suggest that this whale could walk on land. With a robust tail and webbed fingers, it might have ...
Fossils of a four-legged ancient whale found in Peru give scientists a breakthrough insight about the evolution and geographic distribution of this ...
Scientists have found fossils* in a coastal desert of southern Peru of a four-legged whale that lived both in the sea and on land about 43 million years ...
Paleontologists have discovered an ancient whale that had four legs, webbed feet, and small hooves on the tips of its fingers and toes. The creature ...
A new set of fossils have been found in the Pisco Basin, along the southern coast of Peru, that point to an ancient species of quadruped whales that ...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Scientists have unearthed fossils in a coastal desert of southern Peru of a four-legged whale that thrived both in the sea ...
Now, researchers reporting the discovery of an ancient four-legged whale - found in 42.6-million-year-old marine sediments along the coast of Peru ...
As whales' ancient ancestors became increasingly adapted to aquatic environments, they dispersed to North Africa and then to the Americas, ...
Being an illustrator of prehistoric creatures must be great: You get to do things like draw the world's first image of a four-legged whale. From now on ...
A 140-foot whale fossil has been discovered off the coast of Peru, only it's unlike any other. This particular gigantic mammal would have been able to ...
An ancient four-legged whale walked across land on hooved toes and swam in the sea like an otter. The newly discovered species turned up in 2011 ...
The fossilized remains of an ancient four-legged whale with otter-like features have been discovered in marine sediments along the coast of Peru.
A skeleton of the bizarre land-walking whale provides answers about how whales first spread around the world. So here's a doozy: Cetaceans (the ...
WASHINGTON: Paleontologists have found a well-preserved fossil of a four-legged amphibious ancestor of whales, a discovery that sheds new light ...
Showing how little we know about ancient wildlife, scientists have discovered fossilised remains of a four-legged whale with otter-like features.
42.6 million years ago, whales walked on land and swam in the sea: Scientists unearthed an unusual fossil of the amphibious whale along the Coast ...
Whales have one of the most fascinating evolutionary stories. Their ancestors adapted to a terrestrial lifestyle and then gradually moved back to the ...
(CNN) -- The whales we know today look nothing like they did millions of years ago. Instead, cetaceans, the group including today's whales and ...
The discovery hints at an ancient four-legged whale which was the predecessor of today's whales and dolphins. The new discovery sheds light on ...
“This is the first indisputable record of a quadrupedal whale skeleton for the whole Pacific Ocean, probably the oldest for the Americas, and the most ...
Scientists have discovered the fossil of a four-legged whale with webbed feet and hooves in Peru, that thrived both in the sea and on land about 43 ...
Ancient four-legged whale from Peru walked on land, swam in sea ... Peregocetus shows that the first whales to reach the Americas still retained the ...
Researchers have unearthed a 42.6 million-year-old four-legged whale from ancient marine sediments on the coast of Peru. This prehistoric cetacean ...
Even though every living species of cetacean – from the immense blue whale to the river dolphins of the Amazon basin – is entirely aquatic, there ...
The fossil of a 43-million-year-old mammal capable of swimming underwater and walking on land has been discovered in Peru. Palaeontologists ...
A WHALE with four legs and hooves that roamed the land and sea 40 million years ago has been found in Peru. The new amphibious species was ...
Whales weren't always the giants of the sea that we know today – their ancestors plodded around on land before taking to a more aquatic lifestyle.
A fossilized whale with four legs, webbed feet and hoofed toes is revealing new details about the evolution and geographical spread of whales across ...
The fossil of a 43-million-year-old whale with four legs, webbed feet and hooves has been discovered in Peru. Palaeontologists believe the marine ...
Whales evolved from hoofed, four-legged land walkers in south Asia more than 50 million years ago. Now researchers have unearthed the skeleton of ...
Scientists discovered 'Peregocetus pacificus,' an ancient four-legged whale that could live on land and in water. (Photo Credit: Alberto Gennari/Cell ...
About 43 million years ago, when South America was surrounded by water on all sides, there lived a whale with four legs, elongated toes, sharp teeth ...
Newly published research sheds light on the ancestors of modern day whales, describing creatures that lived millions of years ago and, oddly enough, ...
On the heels of fossils discovered that may be from when dinosaurs died, another fossil has been discovered that may shed some light on the ...
A new extinct species unearthed in Peru is the missing link in cetaceans that returned to the sea – a four-legged, hooved whale. “The evolution of ...
While scientists know that whales' ancestors came from the sea onto land, ... Peregocetus pacificus or “the traveling whale that reached the Pacific.”.
A new species of whale-like creature was discovered. It lived over 40 million years ago and had four legs.
The fossil of an ancient, four-legged whale with hooves uncovered in Peru gives scientists new insights into the evolution of the aquatic mammals, ...
"This is the first indisputable record of a quadrupedal whale skeleton for the whole Pacific Ocean, probably the oldest for the Americas, and the most ...
A four-legged creature that had a tail and webbed feet similar to those found on otters, has been identified as an ancestor of the whale.
It isn't intuitively obvious, but whales arose from small terrestrial quadrupeds that returned to the sea, paleontologists have long known. But the fossil ...
A BIZARRE proto-whale with tiny hooves is raising questions about how whales evolved from land-based animals into creatures that colonised the ...
43-million-year-old fossil of four-legged whale found in Peru ... fossil of a four-legged amphibian ancestor of whales, a discovery that sheds new light ...
The whales we know today look nothing like they did millions of years ago. Instead, cetaceans, the group including today's whales and dolphins, ...
A new study suggests that's more or less what the walking, swimming ancestors of modern-day whales looked like about 43 million years ago.
Paleontologists have found a well-preserved fossil of a four-legged amphibian ancestor of whales, a discovery that sheds new light on the mammals' ...
By Michael Le Page. A fossil of a 43-million-year-old whale that was still able to walk on land on four legs has been found in Peru. It is the first ...
Cetaceans, the group including whales and dolphins, originated in south Asia more than 50 million years ago from a small, four-legged, hoofed ...
An ancient four-legged whale with hooves has been discovered, providing new insights into how the ancestors of the Earth's largest mammals made ...
An ancient whale that had four legs, hooves and an otter-like tail has been discovered in marine sediments on the coast of Peru. The 13 foot creature ...
A four-legged whale with otter-like features that lived more than 40-million-years-ago have been found along the coast of Peru, a new study found.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Scientists have unearthed fossils in a coastal desert of southern Peru of a four-legged whale that thrived both in the sea ...
Four legs, webbed feet and hooves on its toes: this new fossil discovery from Peru doesn't sound like a typical whale. But scientists believe that the ...
The discovery of a fossilized, 42-million-year-old, four-legged whale is shedding new light on the evolution and geographical spread of these aquatic ...
Instead, cetaceans, the group including today's whales and dolphins, evolved 50 million years ago from small four-legged animals with hooves.
Initially, whales' ancestors resembled small deer, with four toes, each one ending in a small hoof. One particular fossilised "missing link" found in India ...